Well, that took a little longer then expected, silly laptops battery went flat! Not to worry back on charge now.
This is a project that I'm entering into the challenge for Tomorrows Memories which is a local craft shop down at Bassendean. You buy a paper pack and do a layout or card etc. You have to use a portion of the pack to qualify. It was so much fun. The pack included everything you see on my page, the only thing I added was the bling, by Kaisercraft and the photo which is of myself and my Nanna, which was taken on my wedding day, funny enough it was 17 years ago today. (Happy Anniversary Stu love you xxx)
I printed the photo out in the antique effect as this blended with the paper the best. Of course I did my roses again, I tell ya these are so much fun to do.
In the top right corner there are some little butterflies which have been Kindy Glitz unfortunately you just can't see them in the photo.
Wish me luck I would love to win. The prize is a voucher to spend in the shop and of course there is so many lovely things to chose from.
Is now 11.15pm in Perth and I'm off to bed thanks again for popping by.