Wow I can't believe it has been so long since my last post and so much has happened there have been sick kids, redecorating, hospital visits and a challenge win to make the month better, yep I won the Tomorrow's Memories challenge for last month (see post below), thanks so much ladies for choosing me I had so much fun spending my voucher. Over the weeks I have done some challenges for other local craft shops I just haven't had the chance to take a photo of them. I hope that chance will happen tomorrow because I'm having a jammie day. No clothes allowed only jammies!
The happy snap above is of me and the kiddies, made a late last minute decision to pop to the beach for ice cream today, as you can see a rather windy, rainy day but a nice day spent with the family.
One last thing before I get into my bed, a friend of mine has joined the blogging world and I would love it if you could pop over and say a big howdy, her name is Jo and you will find her at Jo's Crafting Corner, lets hope she is a good influence on me and get me to blog more.
Well that's me for the night I hope you all have a great Easter take care.
Until tomorrow
Fabby photos what are you feeding them on, they have got soooo tall, tell them not to grow much more before I come over there lol!